Monday, December 12, 2011

It's nice to see that religious bigotry is alive and well in the US.  Way to cave to right-wing religious zealots, Lowes.  I like the "Love thy neighbor" Christmas message this sends!

How insecure do you have to be in your own religion to pick on Muslims by trying to get businesses to pull their advertisements from a show they like?  I imagine this is how Christians treated Catholics before JFK made Catholicism mainstream.  It was small minded then too.

These people seem to forget that Freedom of Religion is considered a fundamental human right by the US... oh... and its in the Constitution don't you know?  If you can't get along with others than get out of my country!  We have enough problems with the economy and everything else right now, the last thing we need is trouble from people like Fred Phelps and this lot who JUST DON'T GET IT.